class: center, middle # Introduction to React Native
Johannes Stein Twitter: @frostney_ Github: frostney --- # Agenda  1. What is React Native? 2. React Native vs. React 3. Getting started 4. Let's make a thing (Livedemo) 5. Native modules 6. The current state of React Native 7. The future of React Native --- class: center, middle  --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ] .right-column[ ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ] .right-column[ - Create native applications in JavaScript ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ] .right-column[ - Create native applications in JavaScript - Apply `React` principles ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ] .right-column[ - Create native applications in JavaScript - Apply `React` principles - iOS & Android ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ] .right-column[ ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ] .right-column[ - JavaScriptCore ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ] .right-column[ - JavaScriptCore - No WebView ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ] .right-column[ - JavaScriptCore - No WebView - Runs in a separate thread ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ] .right-column[ ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ] .right-column[ - "Learn once, write everywhere" ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ] .right-column[ - "Learn once, write everywhere" - Web development workflow brought to mobile ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ] .right-column[ ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ] .right-column[ - Bundles web application in a WebView ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ] .right-column[ - Bundles web application in a WebView  ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ### NativeScript ] .right-column[ ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ### NativeScript ] .right-column[ - Similar to React Native in many ways ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ### NativeScript ] .right-column[ - Similar to React Native in many ways - MVC-style structure ] --- # What is React Native? .left-column[ ### Basics ### Internals ### Philosophy ### Cordova ### NativeScript ] .right-column[ - Similar to React Native in many ways - MVC-style structure - Available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props ] .right-column[ ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props ] .right-column[  ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props ] .right-column[  ```javascript var MyComponent = function(props) { // Do something with props // But you can't change them }; ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State ] .right-column[ ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State ] .right-column[  ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State ] .right-column[  ```javascript var MyComponent = React.createClass({ somethingHappens: function() { this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 }); } }); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering ] .right-column[ ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering ] .right-column[ ```javascript var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { // My rendering goes here } }); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering ] .right-column[ ```javascript var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { * return
Hello there
; } }); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering ] .right-column[ ```javascript var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return
Hello there
; } }); ``` ```javascript var MyComponent = React.createClass({ displayName: "MyComponent", render: function() { return React.createElement("div", { className: "my-component" }, "Hello there"); } }); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering #### Virtual DOM ] .right-column[ ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering #### Virtual DOM ] .right-column[ - Diffs changes in the component tree ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer #### Props #### State #### Rendering #### Virtual DOM ] .right-column[ - Diffs changes in the component tree - Only renders the changes ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! ] .right-column[ ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react'); var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
My name is {}
); } }); React.render(
, document.getElementById('content')); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! ] .right-column[ ```javascript *var React = require('react-native'); var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
My name is {}
); } }); React.render(
, document.getElementById('content')); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); *var {View} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( *
My name is {}
); } }); React.render(
, document.getElementById('content')); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); *var {View, Text} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( *
My name is {}
); } }); React.render(
, document.getElementById('content')); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); *var {View, Text, AppRegistry} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
My name is {}
); } }); *var MainComponent = React.createClass({ * render: function() { * return
; * } *}); *AppRegistry.registerComponent('MainComponent', function() { * return MainComponent; *}); ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM #### Inline styles ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); var {View, Text, AppRegistry} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
My name is {}
); } }); *// AppRegistry stuff ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM #### Inline styles ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); *var {View, Text, AppRegistry, StyleSheet} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
My name is {}
); } }); *var styles = StyleSheet.create({ * box: { * flex: 1, * alignItems: 'center' * }, * font: { * fontSize: 28 * } *}); // AppRegistry stuff ``` ] --- # React Native vs. React .left-column[ ### React Primer ### Engage! #### No DOM #### Inline styles ] .right-column[ ```javascript var React = require('react-native'); var {View, Text, AppRegistry, StyleSheet} = React; var HelloThere = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( *
My name is {}
); } }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ box: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center' }, font: { fontSize: 28 } }); // AppRegistry stuff ``` ] --- # Getting started ## Prerequisites - OS X - Node.js 4.0 or higher - (Homebrew, Watchman and Flow) -- # Command-line application `npm install -g react-native-cli` --- ### Getting started (iOS) - Xcode 6.3 - (Apple Developer account) -- # CocoaPods Rather used to the iOS side of things? React Native can also be installed through CocoaPods. --- ### Getting started (Android) - Latest JDK - Android SDK -- # Simulator Android stock simulator or Genymotion --- # Let's make a thing --- # Deploying on the real device -- ## Development -- Server running all the time fetching the latest code bundle -- ## Production -- Create an offline bundle to be packaged inside the mobile app --- # Native extensions (iOS) -- - Write extensions in Objective-C or Swift -- - Create custom modules as `NSObject` or `UIView` -- - Automagically maps Objective-C primitives, dictionaries and arrays --- # Native modules (iOS - Simple classes) -- ```objc #import "RCTBridgeModule.h" @interface RNExample : NSObject
@end ``` -- ```objc #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RNExample.h" @implementation RNExample RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() @synthesize bridge = _bridge; RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(someCoolMethod) { NSLog(@"Hi there, you called this cool method."); } @end ``` -- ```javascript var RNExample = require('react-native').NativeModules.RNExample; RNExample.someCoolMethod(); // Some nice text on the console now ``` --- # Native modules (iOS - Custom views 1/2) -- ```objc #import "RCTViewManager.h" @interface RNMyViewManager : RCTViewManager @end ``` -- ```obj #import "RNMyViewManager.h" #import "RNMyView.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" @implementation RNMyViewManager RCT_EXPORT_MODULE(); @synthesize bridge = _bridge; - (UIView *)view { return [[RNMyView alloc] init]; } @end ``` --- # Native modules (iOS - Custom views 2/2) -- ```objc #import "RCTView.h" @interface RNMyView : RCTView @end ``` -- ```objc #import "RNMyView.h" @implementation RNMyView - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { [super drawRect:rect]; } @end ``` -- ```javascript var {requireNativeComponent} = require('react-native'); module.exports = requireNativeComponent('RNMyView', null); ``` --- # The current state of React Native -- - Publicly available since March 2015 -- - Initial version of React Native for Android released in September 2015 -- - Used in Facebook production apps (Facebook Ads, Facebook Groups) -- - Uses Babel --- # The future of React Native -- ```javascript // Node.js var moduleName = './mything.js'; var mod = require(moduleName); ``` -- ```javascript // React Native var moduleName = './mything.js'; var mod = require(moduleName); // Error: Cannot find 'mything.js' ``` -- - Improved asset management (Yeah for dynamic images!) -- - Improve debugging tools -- - Improve Android platform --- # Things I should mention -- ### RNPlay: Online playground for React Native  --- # Things I should mention ### AppHub: Update React Native apps without re-submitting the app  --- # Things I should mention ### React Web SDK: React Native back in the browser  --- # Things I should mention ### JSXStyle: Inline styles with JSX syntax  --- class: center, middle # Thank you! ### Twitter: @frostney_ ### Github: frostney